How to Take Action Towards Success as A Social Seller

Just a fair warning before you keep reading: this is not your usual blog.

This is a blog that will pull at your heart strings, perhaps make you wiggle in your seat a little bit and ideally….put you into action.
If you’re reading this, you’re either a new social seller scouring the internet for tips OR you’re likely a seasoned social seller feeling stuck.
Well, after over a decade of building a business in this industry, I’ve seen A LOT of changes, trends, strategies come and go. But, there is ONE THING that holds true to this day…
And nope, before you assume I’m going to say consistency…you’re only half right. Stick with me here.

It's BRANDING YOURSELF, then your products consistently online.

Success doesn’t come from waiting for the perfect moment or having unwavering belief from the get-go. Nope, success comes from taking action, pivoting and being open to evolve.
So, let’s flip the script for a second.
Instead of waiting for the stars to align, let’s dive headfirst into action and watch the your success unfold. 💫
Here’s where to start: begin by identifying what makes you unique. What sets you apart from the crowd? Your quirks, your passions, your experiences – embrace them all!
Honestly, this is the missing piece that most women social sellers don’t take the time to do. We are distracted by a million other things and rarely take the time to think about our evolving interests.
Let me challenge you with this question: What topics do you discuss when you meet a good girlfriend over coffee? Is it your hobbies, family, cooking, faith, gossip about pop culture, fashion, working out???
One more powerful question: What holds you back from sharing your authentic self online?
I know, I know…you may read that and want to rush past it (subconsciously thinking- I’ll think about that some other time, but I’ve got to start earning some money first or who the heck has time to think about these fluffy/personal development questions.)

Well, a word of caution, you cannot possibly find success until you identify who YOU are and what makes you unique. 

And taking the extra step to identify what’s holding you back is part of the process. If it’s a nagging voice from the past or something someone said to you that left a sting (aka: made you feel less than)…those are all things to identify and overcome. Your success depends on it!!

Once you’ve identified five of your interests that represent you and your brand, it’s time to put one foot in front of the other. Take that first step towards your goals, even if it’s a tiny one. Share those things on social media!!
Remember, every journey starts with a single step, and before you know it, you’ll be miles ahead of where you started.
And here’s a little secret: the successful women who came before us? They all had to do the same thing. They didn’t wait for permission or for someone to believe in them. They took the time to know what makes them unique, leaned into those things, believed in themselves enough to take that leap of faith and chase their dreams.
So, my fellow digital entrepreneurs, let’s follow in their footsteps. Let’s embrace our uniqueness, take action, and build the extra streams of income we’ve been dreaming of. The time for waiting is over – it’s time to make things happen. 💪
Want a free Social Media Posting Plan to write your five interest areas on and plan a week’s worth of post in minutes? Grab our Social Media Posting Plan here.
One more Pro Tip: Branding yourself on social media has never been easier when you use a link-in-bio to makes you look and feel like a pro. BossLady Bio is the top choice of women entrepreneurs because of it’s gorgeous look, but professional features and lead generating prowess.
Get started with their Pro Plan and you’ll have a link-in-bio that gives your followers easy access to everything you share AND equally as important, it attracts more clicks and customers.

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BossLady Bio

BossLady Bio was designed to simplify business for busy women everywhere. We are more affordable than a traditional website; but more beautiful and innovative than the first generation of link-in-bio tools.


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