The Top 3 Must-Have Content Pieces to Have Linked to Your Bio

It’s essential to give your audience the most relevant information they are looking for immediately upon tapping your link-in-bio. This increases engagement and provides you the power to attract new customers faster than ever. 

Studies have shown that potential customers only want to click once or twice to find their search result. Be intentional and give direction to your visitors so they know exactly where to find information. 

People will make a first impression of you very quickly, so simply break details into bite-sized pieces that falls into one of these three categories to include on your bio:

  1. Your Short Story 
  2. The Solutions Your Business Provides
  3. Your Offers

Your Story Speaks Volumes

Your personal experience is what immediately gives you credibility and takes you from a one-dimensional name on a screen to a relatable, multi-dimensional person in your viewer’s mind. This is where you succinctly share your background, what led you to start this business and what you’re most excited about in the future.

Clearly Share Who Can Benefit From Your Business

When someone clicks on your bio, you want them to know immediately if you offer something they can use AND why your products/services are unique. Add content that sets you apart.

Be Clear About Your Offers

If you have a sale or special to offer, let that be very easy for your visitors to find, front and center. Everyone loves a good deal. If you have a loyalty program, referral program or any other ways for your viewers to benefit, include this in your content.  

Once your bio link has these three essential pieces of content, you’re ready to launch it to the world. Have fun with the process and remember to edit, update and refresh your bio frequently to keep viewers always wanting to come back for more!

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BossLady Bio

BossLady Bio was designed to simplify business for busy women everywhere. We are more affordable than a traditional website; but more beautiful and innovative than the first generation of link-in-bio tools.


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