40 Creative Ideas to Share on Your Link-in-Bio to Attract Followers

Whether you’re “just sharing” or creating valuable content online to grow your business, the topic of your business is not the most interesting thing about you…or at least it shouldn’t be. 
Your products and services are just a PART of you and showcasing that in a balanced way is important. 
Here are 40 ideas of varying topics to share depending on the season:


1. Book recommendations

2. Favorite podcasts

3. Favorite personal development creators

4. My favorite recipes

5. Must visit vacation spots

6. Restaurant recommendations

7. Five good habits for living your best

8. Quotes to live by

9. Must haves from amazon

10. Tip for staying organized

About You

1. Basic about you: name, age, passion

2. Hobbies that keep you busy

3. Interests that encourage fun

4. Charities you support

5. Your morning routine

6. Your bedtime routine

7. Something you can’t live without

8. Your favorite holiday or season

9. What you wish you would’ve known 5 years ago

10. Your goals and dreams


1. Your favorite product you sell

2. A hero product from your company

3. A promotional product

4. A new product

5. A featured product (seasonal)

6. What solutions your product’s solve

7. What solutions your product’s provide

8. Result photos (before & afters)

9. Customer reviews/feedback

10. Visual product guide


1. Our leadership support

2. Monthly events prospects can attend

3. Business philosophy

4. Business tips

5. How you stay organized

6. Tools you can’t live without in business

7. How to join you in business

8. Benefits of joining you in business

9. The basics of how you get paid

10. Three mistakes you’ve made & what you learned

Jot down 5 of your favorites and add them to your link in bio today! 
Don’t have an easy webpage that can serve as a gorgeous link-in-bio for women sellers?
Our top pick is BossLady Bio. BLB includes the most innovative features that help you stand apart online. It’s the only link you’ll ever need. You can showcase your personality and products; all from one link that’s easy to navigate!
Click here to create yours free today!

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BossLady Bio

BossLady Bio was designed to simplify business for busy women everywhere. We are more affordable than a traditional website; but more beautiful and innovative than the first generation of link-in-bio tools.


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